
Medical Versus Surgical Treatment for the Management of Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis: A Systematic Review

Abstract: A systematic review and quality assessment was performed to assess the management
of diabetic foot osteomyelitis by medical or surgical treatment. The Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) checklist was used. All selected studies
were evaluated using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool to assess the risk of bias for randomized
controlled trials. The literature was revised using PubMed (Medline) and Embase (Elsevier) up
to September 2020 to identify clinical trials assessing medical or surgical treatment to manage
diabetic foot osteomyelitis. A total of six clinical trials that met our inclusion criteria, with a total of
308 participants. Healing rate, complete closure of the wound, and type of complications were the
outcomes evaluated. Risk of bias assessment showed that only two of the six clinical trials included in
the systematic review had a low risk of bias. Based on our findings, we believe that the management
of diabetic foot osteomyelitis remains challenging. There are few high-quality clinical trials that both
stratify clinical presentations and compare these treatments. We conclude that the available evidence
is insufficient to identify the best option to cure diabetic foot osteomyelitis…

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PROGETTO ITALIANO IN WOUND CARE 🇮🇹. SITO UFFICIALE DI LESIONI TOUR ®️. DAL 2017 Premio Eccellenze Italiane Assotutela 2020-2021.

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