Raccomandazioni NWCSP per le ferite degli arti inferiori
The National Wound Care Strategy Programme
(NWCSP) is seeking to improve the care of
wounds. The unwarranted variation in UK
wound care services offers major opportunities
to improve healing rates and thus reduce
patient suffering, spend on inappropriate
and ineffective treatments and the amount of
clinical time spent on wound care.
Lower Limb ulcers are wounds on the lower leg
(below the knee) and foot that are slow to heal.
It is estimated that approximately 1.5% of the adult
population in the UK is affected by active leg and
foot ulceration, which equates to 730,000 patients 1.
There is considerable variation in practice and
outcomes 2 which increases care costs and extends
healing times 3.
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[Tratto da: www.nationalwoundcarestrategy.net ]