The Society for Vascular Surgery’s Threatened Limb Classification, now having been validated in four separate studies, seems to show promise as a pragmatic means to assess likelihood of morbidity for at-risk legs. The structure of the Wound/Ischemia/Foot Infection system is designed on a “none / mild / moderate / severe (0/1/2/3)” scale just as with “Tumor/Node/Metastasis” in cancer assessment.

The system may be well visualized as three intersecting rings of risk.  This also helps the team identify which of these risk is “dominant” at any given time during a lifetime of care.

While the specifics of what constitutes “none, mild, moderate and severe” may change over time, what may be longer-lasting are the principles. We invite you to “Broadcast WIFI”!

If you’d like to download the free WIFI app and risk calculator, visit here.

Tissue Loss / Ischemia and Foot Infection form 3 intersecting rings of risk that can be graded
Tissue Loss / Ischemia and Foot Infection form 3 intersecting rings of risk that can be graded

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