
My Story: Kratom Helps Treat Fibromyalgia

The following narrative is not meant as medical advice. I am not a medical professional. I am simply relating my own experience.

Most of my adult life I have suffered from a variety of symptoms that were never diagnosed by any of the doctors I saw. Eventually, I became aware that these symptoms seemed to be consistent with the list of symptoms that appear under the heading of fibromyalgia. The most conspicuous symptom was painful muscles all over my body. The one symptom often associated with fibromyalgia that I did not have was insomnia.

Do I actually have fibromyalgia? I don’t know. What I have is an assortment of symptoms that, when compared to a checklist for fibromyalgia, make it look pretty close to that mysterious affliction.  Since there seemed to be no reliable objective signs of fibromyalgia, and I seemed to have almost all the subjective ones, it seemed reasonable to diagnose myself as having it.

I treated it for a long time (years) by taking more ibuprofen than is recommended for pain relief. The ibuprofen did help some, so I took more than I should have. I am not recommending anyone else do this, but I didn’t see an alternative at the time.

Then I discovered kratom. I don’t recall how I happened to run into it. But I discovered that when I took small doses of kratom regularly throughout the day, the fibromyalgia symptoms simply went away. Above all else, I didn’t hurt anymore.

Kratom even cleared up the stomach and intestinal problems. That was a surprise. I figured that anything that tasted as harsh as kratom wouldn’t help my stomach, but it did.

As long as I didn’t take too much kratom, I didn’t have any loopy feelings. I didn’t mind the slightly euphoric sensations it sometimes generated, but I learned to fine tune it so I didn’t experience that. It simply took away all the muscle aches and pains, fatigue and stomach problems. I felt normal again and was productive.

A Complication

That happy state facilitated by kratom lasted for years. But then I ran into a glitch. I got an inguinal hernia that strangulated. The surgeon was able to push it back in, but that was clearly just a temporary solution. Clearly, I needed surgery. One can die a nasty death from a strangulated hernia.

There was a complication about whether the local hospital could do the operation or whether my condition would require a bigger hospital with an intensive care unit. They eventually agreed on the local hospital (which is what I wanted), but the only glitch was that I had barely mentioned my use of kratom and sort of played it down. I was pretty sure most of the professionals in the medical field would be suspicious of it. Kratom is, after all, reported to have a mild opioid-like effect.

I’m 83 years old. I was perfectly willing to take any reasonable risk in surgery. I am not going to live forever, and I suspect that the end will not be decades off.

But I did feel obligated to the hospital that agreed to do the operation. I had to either level with them about the kratom I was taking or get off it. I knew that if I explained everything in detail, it would raise questions again about who should do the operation and when. I imagined there might be an issue with a possible interaction of kratom with anesthesia.

I decided to get off the kratom, at least long enough for the operation. There might be some withdrawal symptoms, but they were described in the literature as mild to moderate and short lived.

So, I began phasing out my kratom, for which I calculated I needed about two weeks. Two weeks stretched into three and then four. I was feeling horrible – considerably worse than what was described as kratom withdrawal. This was neither short, nor mild or moderate.

Then my wife put her finger on the problem. The symptoms for withdrawal and fibromyalgia, though similar, were not exactly the same. I was experiencing less nausea, but more pain. The fibromyalgia was back in full force. At that point, as I saw it, I had no choice. I took a little bit of kratom once again and felt fine, except for the hernia.

It was while on the minimal dose of kratom needed for the fibromyalgia that I went in for surgery. After the operation, the anesthesiologist reported that her part of the operation went well. I was relieved. However, another problem emerged. An expected two or three-hour operation with laparoscopic surgery turned into a seven-hour ordeal.

I still cannot visualize the exact nature of the unexpected problem the surgeon encountered. Apparently, my bladder was drawn into and tangled up with the hernia. The surgeon, who had done this operation thousands of times, had never seen it before and nobody else had heard of it.

The surgeon was able to unravel the problem and repair the hernia. This led to yet another problem. I had expected to be in the hospital most of one day, but they kept me in the hospital overnight and, as far as I knew, might keep me hospitalized even longer.

By three in the morning, I was beginning to experience moderate to severe pain. The medication given to me by the night nurse didn’t touch the pain. I realized I had no choice. I had to confess my sin — the incomplete and unsatisfactory way I told them about the kratom — and plead for mercy.

I called in the night nurse and explained the whole thing. She was very nice about it, let the head nurse know right away, and notified the surgeon as soon as he arrived in the morning.

To make a long story short, arrangements were made for me to be released from the hospital so I could resume my regime of small doses of kratom.

I had lots of minor aches and pains from being worked on so hard and so long during the operation, while in an awkward position. They had raised my legs a considerable angle to the ground, expanded the inner cavities of my body with CO2, and done God knows what to separate my scrotum, testicles and whatever else from the hernia. But with some Aleve, these were now manageable pains.

Do I have any advice? Not really. The nearest thing I can offer is to say that, should the situation rise again, I would simply tell the medical people about my dependence on kratom. And if they insisted that I get off it before they would do the surgery, I would not have the surgery done.

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